What is Benny thankful for this year?

What is Benny thankful for this year?

I am thankful for really small toys that crinkle. I love to roll around with them. Sometimes Mommy rubs my belly when I am playing and I like that! I am thankful for crumbs left on the floor because I always find them. I am very thankful for Mommy’s soft and...

A letter of thanks from Milton

Dear Turkey Fairy, Thanksgiving is almost here and I wanted to tell you what I am thankful for this year. I am most thankful that someone found me and brought me to Second Chances. Even though I couldn’t be returned to the wild, someone kept me and loves me...
Endangered animals in Chinese herbs

Endangered animals in Chinese herbs

Are Endangered Animals in Chinese Herbs? By Dr. Narda Robinson If you’re like most animal lovers, you care about animals around the globe in addition to your own. This probably extends to those kept in cages for life and exploited for their bodily fluids, or...

What is wildlife rehabilitation?

The goal of wildlife rehabilitation is to provide professional care to sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals so ultimately they can be returned to their natural habitat. Wild animals that sustain injuries or illnesses preventing them from living successfully in the...